Applications for Light and Neutron Sources
endstation applications
Interferometric sensors
Rotation motion error compensation
for stable probe positioning
The challenge of rotatory probe positioning for x-ray nanotomography is
the limited tolerance of the runout. The smaller the runout – the better
the resolution of experiments. The closed loop system at the synchrotron
SOLEIL consists of a positioning stage for rotating the probe and
attocube‘s interferometer focusing directly on the rotating cylinder. The
positioning stage is equipped with three linear drives, two piezo driven
positioners for compensation of error motions, and one rotational stage.
Based on a reduction algorithm for error motions, the initial runout of
1250 nm is reduced to 42 nm – a decrease of 97%.
Christer Engblom, Synchrotron Soleil, St Aubin, France
Detecting vibration propagation and parasitic
motions with picometer resolution
Exact sample positioning in synchrotron beamlines requires position
detection with highest resolution. A group at the Diamond Light Source
designed a sample positioning system with three positioners for x, y, z
movements. To determine the error motions, eight axes of three IDS3010
devices were triggered for synchronous data acquisition, controlling
the movement with BiSS-C interface. They identified parasitic motions
of only 100 pm that were caused in the non orthogonal fixing of the
positioners. These smallest amount of deviation can be detected in Ultra-
high vacuum only - and with the IDS3010.
Trevor Bates, Brian Nutter, Diamond Light Source Limited, Oxfordshire, England
Sensor head
support frame
Positioning stage