attoPUBLICATIONS brochure_synchrotron_joomag | Page 5

3 Sample positioning Rz Z Y X 2 & 3 Vertical MLL (X, Y, Z, Φ, Χ) 2 Alignment and control of focusing optics In X-ray imaging, the relative placement of focusing optic elements, such as OSAs, zone plates and multilayer Laue lenses, plays a crucial role in high spatial resolution setups in order to go down in beam size. In addition, positioning stages and scanners with closed loop interferometric feedback can reduce thermal drift and instabilities down to a few nm per hour. Beam sizes are constantly shrinking in a effort to resolve on even finer structures in the user’s sample. Triggering, detection, and feedback of the sample position therefore needs to be reliable, well documented, and highly precise. Sample stages based on piezo motors are usually the optimal choice, as well as interferometers for a contactless displacement sensing with picometer resolution, to be able to detect and correct any non- orthogonality, parasitic movements, or run-outs. OSA (X, Y, Z, Φ, Χ, Θ) Sample (X, Y, Z) Y Horizontal MLL (X, Y, Z, Θ) X Θ Φ Χ Z