Beamlines and End Stations
nanoprecise motion control at the interface with the user
The end stations at the beamlines are where the user’s sample
interacts with the radiation of the facility, and nanoprecise
motion control of beam optics as well as the sample position are
necessary to optimize the beam shape, size, and wavelength,
and to guide it to the correct sample orientation. The motion
solution typically needs to be compatible with extremes
of vacuum, temperature, and radiation to conduct the
measurement and investigate interesting states in the sample.
Both beamline personnel and end users require a nanometer
precise solution to investigate the finest structures.
1 Tilts and vibrations of crystals in
Double crystal monochromators in the beampath
serve to filter the incoming polychromatic beam
and select the relevant wavelength of the light
for the experiment. The angular alignment of
the crystals directly influences the quality of the
monochromatic beam.