appnote-brochure-nano-FTIR for Biomaterials | Page 8

Superior nano-FTIR spectroscopy quality with sub-monolayer detection sensitivity

The unique and market-leading measurement performance of nano-FTIR is the prerequisite to perform local measurements on single monolayers . The measured nanoscale spectroscopy information is used for precise material identification , analysis of present chemical bonds ( e . g . C-O ), or even quantitative analysis of functional coatings and thin films consisting of single molecules with thicknesses < 2nm .
nano-FTIR absorption of phospholipids
νC-O-PO 2
- νPO 2 -
AFM height Reflectance image νCN + ( CH 3
) 3 νCO-O
500 nm 1070 cm -1
1070 cm -1
900 1000 1100 1200
Wavenumber [ cm -1 ]
Using nano-FTIR the characteristic IR spectral signature can be detected even for ultrathin structures such as a 5-nm-thick phospholipid monolayer . Being quantitative , the signal strength is indicative of the specimen thickness , differentiating between the 5 nm mono- and 10 nm bilayers . These experiments represents the first step towards a complete description of the biochemistry of cell membranes and model systems .
nano-FTIR spectroscopy discriminates mono and double layer lipid structures with unmatched signal-to-noise
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