appnote-brochure-nano-FTIR for Biomaterials | Page 9

Complete sample analysis of biological specimens with nano-FTIR and hyperspectral imaging

nano-FTIR hyperspectral imaging ( HSI ) provides full broadband spectroscopic information at every pixel . The neaSCOPE microscope provides unmatched data quality which can be harvested by established methods , e . g . multivariate data analysis , for comprehensive nanoscale analysis of complex biostructures .
Hyperspectral data cube
1670 cm -1
Human hair
1580 cm -1
Wavenumber [ cm -1 ]
In-situ infrared vibrational chemical analysis of a medulla cross-section in a resinembedded human hair performed with nano-FTIR HSI . The infrared hyperspectral imaging data cube ( partially cut at different frequencies for improved visibility ) allows for a multivariate cluster analysis , resulting in a compositional map ( bottom ) that reveals natural nanoscale Melanin inclusions ( grey and black ) in the cortex region ( light yellow ).
x [µ m ]
Compositional map calculated from HSI data cube
0 0
y [µ m ]
nano-FTIR & hyperspectral imaging provide compositional maps of biostructures at 10-nm spatial resolution
I . Amenabar et al ., Nature Comm . 2017 , 8 , 14402 .
V . Stanic et al ., Nanoscale 2018 , 10 , 14245