appnote-brochure-nano-FTIR for Biomaterials | Page 7

The neaSCOPE assesses composition and organization of proteins at the 10 -nm scale

IR-neaSCOPE + s provides a ready-to-use solution to study the composition of biological specimens or to analyze sample organization and morphology at the 10nm length scale . The combination of nano-FTIR spectroscopy and IR nanoscopy results in a more complete understanding of the interface structures or interaction mechanisms of organic matter like individual cells or viruses on the single particle level .
WBC protein absorption map
DNA in white blood cell ( WBC )
Nanoscale spectroscopy and nanoscopy of protein and DNA rich regions within a white blood cell ( WBC ) nucleus . The protein absorbance signature measured by nano-FTIR clearly shows the typical Amide I and Amide II bands . The DNA spectrum can be identified as a mixture of single- and double-stranded DNA . IR nanoscopy can be used to highlight the distribution of proteins and DNA within the nucleus . By directly resolving the nuclear organization of WBC nuclei , the neaSCOPE will open new possibilities to measure and to understand the significantly altered nuclear organization of e . g . classical Hodgkin ’ s Lymphoma .
2 µ m
WBC nano-FTIR absorption Amide I
Amide II
Amide I
δNH 2
ν sym
PO 2
ν asym
PO 2
Amide II
νC = O & νC = N
Wavenumber [ cm -1 ]
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