Customer Feedback
Nicolas Stübe, Dr. Alke Meents Dr. Stefan Kubsky
DESY/suna-precision GmbH, Hamburg, Germany Synchrotron SOLEIL, St. Aubin, France
Due to the fast adjustment and precise
sub-nanometer resolution of the sensor, we
are able to easily identify trajectories and eigen
frequencies for the optimization of flexure based components.
The combination of the digital interfaces with our motion control
system allows most accurate closed-loop control for scanning
applications. With the closed-loop integration of the IDS3010 in
our X-ray microscope by the end of this year, we feel confident to
get the first 3-D tomographic pictures of biological samples with a
resolution of 20 nm within the beginning of 2016.
An intense and ongoing scientific exchange
with the attocube-development team permitted
us to obtain new functionalities and highest preci-
sion. Our system, being inherently non-standard, profits greatly
from the compactness and modularity of the sensorheads. We
rapidly managed to file a patent application implying interfero-
metric metrology.
Dr. Hendrik Ohldag
SSRL - Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource,
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, USA
Dr. Paolo Imperia
Sample Environment Group Leader,
ANSTO, Lucas Heights, Australia
We use the attoMOTION Nano Drives in our
standard cryostats typically for non-standard
experiments. It provides a precise, compact and
reliable tool for in-situ sample alignment which is perfectly
suited to a variety of situation within the neutron scattering
experiments. The accompanying attoCONTROL unit integrates
well with our instrument control system to allow for a seamless
beamline user experience. Additionally, the attention given
to providing excellent customer service and meaningful col-
laboration with clients has and will continue to lead to great
advancements in the required capabilities.
Prof. Tim Salditt
Dr. Thomas Zickler
CERN / Magnetic Measurement Section, Geneva, Switzerland
Before purchasing a laser interferometer, we were not
sure about the applicability of the interferometer for
our requirements. During the short testing phase,
we became familiar with the interferometer and its operation.
While using the sensor for the intended application, we verified
the advantages of the device and decided for purchasing it.
attocube systems AG | Eglfinger Weg 2 | 85540 Haar | Germany
Tel.: +49 89 420 797 - 0 |
Brochure version: 2018 - 01
We use attocube linear stages with optical
and resistive encoders for positioning of
samples relative to high resolution x-ray optics in a
Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscope (STXM). The micro-
scope operates in ultra high vacuum, in magnetic fields and
at variable temperature. attocube stages provide the unique
capability of high precision long term stability positioning
under such conditions, which is crucial for the successful
operation of a STXM microscope that serves a broad commu-
nity of researchers. In addition, we appreciate the excellent
customer service and friendly personnel at attocube, always
willing to find the solution allowing the client to successfully
address a challenge.
Institute for X-Ray Physics,
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Due to very limited space in our setup, the
compact nanopositioning solutions of attocube
were ideally suited for our X-ray experiments;
highest positioning resolution and stability were essential
for a precise alignment of our waveguide with respect to the
sample. A special thanks goes to the fast, elaborate and highly
knowledgeable customer support attocube provides.
(c) 2018, attocube systems AG - Germany. attocube systems and the logo are
trademarks of attocube systems AG. Registered and/or otherwise protected
in various countries where attocube systems products are sold or distributed.
Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.